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Teaching The Truth

Dec 19, 2018

"If, in the worst of times, God's people can lift up their heads with joy, knowing that all shall work for good to them, they will own it is God, that is the lifter up of their head, that gives them both cause to rejoice and hearts to rejoice." (Matthew Henry) "And now shall mine head be lifted up above mine enemies...

Nov 26, 2018

"The God of Jacob then is the God Who met Jacob while he had nothing, and deserved nothing but wrath, and Who gave him everything. Happy indeed are they who have such a God for their God!" (Grace Gems) What the God of Jacob did for Jacob, He will do for us! Who He was to Jacob - Judge...Protector, Supporter, Deliverer,...

Nov 8, 2018

"If God is not sovereign, if He is not in control, if all things are not under His dominion, then He is not the Most High, and we are either in the hands of fate (whatever that is) or in the hands of men or in the hands of the devil. But take courage beloved for...the Most High God, El Elyon, is in total control. He...

Oct 31, 2018

"Mr. Moody says: 'There is much more said in the Bible about praise than abour prayer. The Psalms are nothing but praise, and as David got nearer the end of the journey, he seems to have thought of little else. So it is with Christians - the nearer they get to heaven, the more they praise God." (The Biblical...

Oct 20, 2018

"He who has any proper sense of the greatness, the majesty, and the glory of God, 'intends' to praise Him forever. He sees that there is enough in the character of God to demand eternal praise, and he does not anticipate that a period can ever occur in all the future when he will feel that the causes for praise have...