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Teaching The Truth

Jun 16, 2018

Job 22:29 says - "When men are cast down, then thou shalt say, There is lifting up; and He shall save the humble person." "When men are cast down" in times of trial and calamity...when they are depressed or "cast down" into a very low estate and distressed condition...when they are in low circumstances or in great straits and difficulties...when they are cast down in affairs...when their spirits are sinking, desponding, or ready to despair, then the Lord says to say to them that a restoration or a change for the better is coming their way. God is sending me today with a "word" for you. He is saying to you who are "cast down" - "There is lifting up." Restoration and a change for the better is coming your way! It is God's will and desire for His people to be "lifted up." The Scriptures confirm that truth!