Jun 27, 2014
"God never undertakes to do something He can't carry out. When He makes a promise, He will always carry it through. He has never made a promise to us that He will ever have to explain away afterwards. He will never say 'I meant to do that, but circumstances would not permit.'...God never fails to keep His promises. He...
Jun 20, 2014
God is the Hearer and Answerer of prayer. Oftentimes, before the answer comes, something that is displeasing to Him must be taken away. Oftentimes, it is in relation to how we treat our fellow man. Prayer definitely has hindrances. Both sin and indolence will cause your prayers to not be heard. Just as the watchman...
Jun 13, 2014
There is a cry going forth in today's society. Can you hear it? It is the cry of the fatherless. They are crying out - "Who am I? What is my name? Why was I born? Who will love me...who will accept me...who will believe in me...who will convince me that I am special...that my life is valuable?" As a child of God, you...
Jun 6, 2014
"Pentecost is the time to dream." (David Lose) God's Spirit enables you to dream. He helps you see the possibilities that you have not seen before. Hence, Pentecost is a good time to dream. It is a good time to see beyond the oppressive conditions which surround you that say - "This is the way it is; this is the way...
Jun 2, 2014
In our day and time, the Gospel is being perverted in so many different ways. The Message of Holiness is being opposed - insomuch that the straight ways of the Lord are being twisted into the crooked ways of sin. Self-seeking and Arrogant "Wolves" are twisting the Scriptures in order to gain a following. People...