Nov 16, 2021
"It is a disease which has never ceased to prevail all over Christendom. It is a soul-ruining plague, which is continually sweeping away crowds of Gospel hearers down the broad way to destruction. Open sin, and avowed unbelief, no doubt slay their thousands. But profession without practice slays its tens of thousands."...
Nov 2, 2021
"Many, like the Jews, do not say, Never, but not yet. Conscience will not let them say, We will never be religious and work for God; but they procrastinate - put off till to-morrow what should be done to day, and thus leave the great work of life undone. The time is always come to him who wishes to do right. In HIs...
Oct 1, 2021
"Only the man who is born of God really overcomes the world, because by faith he is able to rise above the perishing things of this world and to see things in their true, eternal perspective."
Sep 24, 2021
"Every good we possess comes from God, and we should neither use our eyes, nor our ears, nor any thing we possess, but in strict subservience to His will." (Adam Clarke) God is speaking! Do you have an "hearing ear"? Is it an "obedient" ear? Is it an "open" ear - open to ALL of God's Truth?
Aug 28, 2021
"So all true and genuine repentance is that which regards sin as deriving its main evil from the fact that it is committed against God." (Barnes' Notes)