Aug 25, 2018
"Let it be blessed for ever, it shall be blessed for ever, it deserves to be blessed for ever, and we hope to be forever blessing it." (Matthew Henry) David seemingly had a revelation of Psalm 45:17 - the promise given to Messiah that His name would be remembered in all generations. He served his own generation...
Aug 17, 2018
"Let us not forget that we have much to praise God for." (The Biblical Illustrator) In this Bible Message, we looked at the Grandest Resolution - "while I live will I praise the LORD." We saw that it is sparked by our being in covenant with God...that there is a certain manner in which it is done... there is a...
Aug 4, 2018
No one grows who does not mean to grow." (The Biblical Illustrator) "The longer we live, the more expert we should grow in praising God and the more we should abound in it." (Matthew Henry) Let me ask you today - are you growing in praising God? Are you abounding in it? Like David, you can resolve to hope...