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Teaching The Truth

Dec 19, 2014

Why is there so little wonder in the world today? In the church today? Consider these reasons - people are focused on their problems...we live in a mechanical and commercial world...everyone is so busy...and so many are settling for substitutes. Lately, have you pondered the "Wonder of Christmas"? Allow me to open up...

Dec 12, 2014

More than ever - there are those who want to quench the Christmas message of - "God becoming a man." They say that they are offended by the Nativity scenes. They are offended when we say - "Merry Christmas." They are offended by the Christmas celebrations, plays, festivals, and carols. But, as New Testament saints,...

Dec 5, 2014

"The government shall be upon His shoulder" Did you know that most problems in life stem from not placing the "government" of your life on JESUS' shoulder? Many Christians are exhausted today from trying to repair all the broken people or messed-up situations all around them. Many are worn-out from trying to solve every...