Jun 30, 2016
"Of course, it is always easy to move with the current, to drift with the tide, to shout with the multitude. But ease is not the condition either of righteousness or of true progress. In the home, in society, in business, in the national life, and sometimes in the church, the multitude may be wrong. Then the soul must...
Jun 22, 2016
"All things in heaven and earth are full of voices bearing witness for the living God. The whole universe, human history, governments, philosophy, science, art, and institutions are witnessing for God." (The Biblical Illustrator) God demands that you bear witness to Him. But only those who are in sympathy with Him and...
Jun 16, 2016
"The most important question concerning a man is as to the state of his heart - his thoughts, affections, intentions. In the heart we find the true man. The outer life is but the clothing and may be the mask of the man. From the heart spring all the actions of life. The character of the fountain determines that of the...
Jun 8, 2016
"Many have lost the favourable presence of God and are not aware of it; they have provoked God to withdraw from them, but are not sensible of their loss, nor ever complain of it. Their souls languish and grow weak, their gifts wither, every thing goes cross with them; and yet they impute not this to the right cause:...
Jun 1, 2016
In this world, you will encounter the "snare of the fowler"..."noisome pestilence"... "terror by night"... "arrow that flieth by day"..."destruction that wasteth at noonday"... and "valley of the shadow of death," yet you need never fear. How is that possible? In every experience of life, God offers you His keeping...