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Teaching The Truth

Sep 25, 2015

"Notice the forms under which the Lord represents Himself as round about His people: all indicative of two things, destruction to the adversary, safety to the friend. The LORD is round His people as a hedge; and as mountains; and as a guard of fire, such as men use to protect from wild beasts." (Biblical Illustrator)...

Sep 18, 2015

God has a message for His Church today. That message is found in Joshua 1:9 which says - "Have not I commanded thee? Be strong, and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest." While preparing this message, God confirmed to me - three different...

Sep 11, 2015

"As God has sat as King in the past, whether at the great Deluge or at any other flood or floods, so will He ever 'sit as King' in the future." (Pulpit Commentary) At such a time when rulers of nations are becoming more evil, wicked, and tyrranical, the Holy Spirit is directing the Church to focus on JESUS as "King."...