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Teaching The Truth

Oct 28, 2015

"The king is revealed in the time of the flood. Smaller personalities appear kingly when the waters are smooth; they disappear at the flood...I will yield the crown of my obedience to the One Who proves to be king at the flood." (Biblical Illustrator) Why do we need a King? What is the cry of mankind in this hour?...

Oct 16, 2015

"Our to watch our heart-fires. When the temperature of our love lowers, there is cause for terror. It is instructive to mark the many and insidious influences by which the gush and swell of affection are modified." (Biblical Illustrator) There are two things that will cause a decline of love in your heart...

Oct 2, 2015

It is a poetical thought that God is dormant or "asleep" when He doesn't respond readily to the needs of His people - when He seemingly appears to be unconcerned with their troubles. It is then that they have to awaken Him to activity with their cries. Both Asaph and Isaiah prayed the most powerful prayers to "awaken"...